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10 Tips to Get Back to School and Stay Healthy

10 Tips to Get Back to School and Stay Healthy

It’s back to school soon! Keeping our kids healthy during the school term can sometimes be a challenge. The number one thing I would love every parent to embrace is the concept of quarantine. It’s when you separate someone who is ill from everybody else, to avoid the germ/bacteria/virus spreading. In simple terms, keep your kid home when they are sick! Don’t take them to school/playgroup/the library/the shops/the park/anywhere they can be in contact with other people until they are WELL! That will help DRAMATICALLY the spread of a lot of stuff.. What else is in our control?

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My Teething Tea Remedy

My Teething Tea Remedy

My Teething Tea Remedy is seriously Tha Bomb when it comes to helping babies cope with the pain of teething!!
It’s a mix of easy to find medicinal herbs that are brewed and then used in a variety of ways.

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Our battle with Eczema (and how we are winning!)

Our battle with Eczema (and how we are winning!)

I was a rashy baby. Head to toe covered in weeping itchy eczema from a very young age. Mum had to tie mittens on me so I didn’t scratch and make it worse. And my hubby was also a rashy kid.. So, genetically, our kids have got the predispostion for it as well. When our first girl was born, she started to show signs of the same, and it took us until she was 6 years old to completely get on top of it, understand her triggers and know what will dampen it down. EPIC BATTLE!

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Five Festive drinks that are not alcoholic!

Five Festive drinks that are not alcoholic!

As a breastfeeeding Mother, I get a bit over all the hype that goes with Christmas and the holiday season, spefically around booze! Our society loves a drink, but for the non-drinker, options are often a crappy soft drink or warm tap water.. Thank fully some venues...

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Communicating is a skill!

Communicating is a skill!

I have been thinking about this a lot lately.. For a few reasons...Having had a few kid clients with delayed speech, having to present a few workshops, had a few business meetings, and teaching my daughter stuff she wants to learn.. We communicate every day. Some...

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